5 Spiritual Activities in SG

Have you ever been interested in spirituality and the occult? Believe you are spoken to by angels and spirit guides? Trust that the Universe has your back and will hear your energy? I do. It's something that has fascinated me as a child. From wanting my own deck of Tarot at the age of 12 to going through the routes of understanding different religions and 'trying' them out, nothing called to me like the world of magick did. I love having the way spirituality has unfolded in Singapore and even though many still view it as black magic or evil, I believe that as long as you keep your mind and heart open, you can still experience many forms of magick in many different ways! So I put together a list if you're interested just like me! Every activity is paid for by my own money and everything listed is my honest opinion.
1. Get a Palm Reading by Ling
I stumbled upon Ling via a friend and was blown away by how accurate the session was. I mainly wanted to seek out some clarity in life and she did just that. She also went beyond giving me advice and directions, but also touched on aspects of my life that needed that slight bit of encouragement. Her words were straight to the point and I love the honesty. There wasn't any sugar coating but it wasn't harsh at the same time. She was really easy and friendly to talk to and we turned friends from that session. I gained clarity in what were my next steps, I felt that nudge of confidence I needed to continue the path I was on and it was just like a weight off my shoulders after speaking to her. If you're prepared to be even more amazed, try out her face-reading services!
I was truly awed by what she can do and we even went as far out to have her services listed on the site listed here! Truly honored to come across another spirit sister.
2. Aura Reading/Painting by Pearlyn from Transmission Wellness
I met Pearlyn at Aloofafa's pop-up and it was a beautiful coincidence two Pearlyns are seated side by side imo! She has the most gentle presence and her vibe is so happy and bright, I felt good just sitting beside her. I wasn't feeling the best mentally during the first day of the pop-up and decided to do an Aura Painting with her. I didn't say much because I thought it'd be weird to pour my inner feelings to a stranger I just met for 3 hours LOL but she was spot-on. She gave me advice to my situation and I heeded it, making day 2 of the pop-up, a much better day. This isn't my first aura reading, but it's my first without a machine. I love colors and the fact she can see them around people made me feel like she is a special rainbow being for sure. I love that you get to keep a soft-copy of your reading at the end of the session as well! Highly recommend speaking to Pearlyn and giving her services a try.
3. Tarot Birth Card Reading by Saorsa
Seated beside Sarosa Tarot, another pop-up event, this time at Mystic Market, held by Siecle Studio, was so much fun. Inez does tarot birth readings, aside from regular tarot readings and this was my first time learning about this. Using my birth date, she told me about my personality card, soul card and even a hidden factor card. I also learnt about challenges and opportunities with this reading and what she 'predicted' for the next few years for me actually coincided with what Ling told me! Even though the pop-up had a limited reading time of 15 mins, I was throroughly impressed with how Inez does her unique readings. I definitely will sign up for a full session soon to get more insights.
IG: @saorsatarot
4. Sigil tattoo by Lucid Ella Art and Tattoos
I think it was the right timing when I found Zelda on Instagram. I wanted a spiritually-right piece with the right artist and I was on the hunt for about a year when I finally came across her IG page. She offers handpoked channelled sigils tattoo pieces and I picked protection, flow and bless for my piece. I also asked for a symbolism of 13 (my lucky number) to be included in this design and I dont think it could have came out any better. Before the session, you'll be energetically cleansed and there will be a guided intention-setting short meditation session. I thought that was the most thoughtful action; especially since this piece is meant to be filled with good intentions. and it calmed my mind down instantly after the session. With my piece, my intention for it is "I am divinely protected, guided and blessed". She was so gentle throughout the session, I fell asleep. Like, deep sleep. We also had amazing spiritual conversations about so many different topics and the hours passed so quickly.
IG: @lucidella.art.spirit.tattoos
5. Learn Reiki at HVCM Studio
I met Javier through Ling's connections and during our first meeting, he carried out a reiki healing session for me. It was that one session that led me to find out more about Reiki and the benefits and not too long after, I signed up for L1 Reiki healing course with Javier! Javier is a Reiki Shihan and not only does he do Reiki, he also does Bazi reading, and sells amazing moldavites pieces. I enjoyed the calm personalized lesson, and learning about the history to the actual practicing process for Level 1. With that, I started my Reiki and meditation journey and it has since been life-changing. People who met me have told me I 'feel' different, and less chaotic. If you're looking to go deeper into your own self-healing and awareness process, I definitely recommend taking up Reiki to experience it yourself.
IG: @hvcm_studio